Are Democrats proud to be giving suffering Americans a whole $600 while giving billions to countries around the world?


Are you proud to be spewing such dishonest misinformation on a daily basis, in order to justify your blitheringly gullible eagerness to be a sycophant of the most despicable human being to ever serve in public office?


It is you my friend who does not understand reality very well if you think that this has to do with the Democrats. Both teams suck that is true but only an absolute waste of life vapid loser moron would think that Trump or the Republicans really give a crap. The same goes for people thinking Democrats give a crap. You are a vapid moron ann


Those are separate issues. The Omnibus is the annual budget, the overall spending budget - it's the peace keeper. It's a must-pass or the government shuts down. It has nothing to do with Covid Relief. 
They forced one vote on the two at the same time, but the funding is different. The emergency $600 was hard-fought by the Dems - the Republicans refused to give ANY money directly to the people. Folks who are still working? Their boss gets $10,000 for each and every one! Trump doesn't care if anybody ever gets $2000 - he's just using that to piss you off and put everybody over the barrel. Don't you see what he's doing?


Moscow Mitch opposed higher payments


everyone even most democrats agree this covid bill is a disgrace

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