Friend helped during COVID?

During covid a co-worker helped me with yard projects to include painting my deck, pruning 8 trees, putting down 11 pavers and mulching the front and back yard.  

lately he's been throwing it in my face always referencing all the work he's done at my place and how it use to look bad.

I've tried to show my appreciation with gift cards valued at 200$ and meals. I've also showed up to help him lay 8 pavers, a deck project and tree removal (a storm knocked down his tree).

I will never have him over to do any work in the future, but I dont want to feel guilty if I spazz and call him out for acting like he's saved my life by helping with yard work.  


Favorite Answer

Just calmly explain that you appreciate his hard work and have tried to show him.  If that's not enough you are sorry but you can't be held hostage to his attitude any longer.  Say that you would like to fix whatever he thinks the issue is, but the constant reference to all he has done has not to stop.   Suggest that if he doesn't want to be friends any longer, that's fine, but he has to be "not friends" quietly.  Then say nothing more. EVER.  Unless he comes up with a reasonable explanation for his actions and an apology.  If you are constantly being harassed, he is not your friend.  Keep things cordial at work and do your job properly.  Outside of that eliminate any personal contact. 


True friends don’t keep account of injuries mistakes or how did what for who or play tit for tat games you both treated each other with loving kindness and showed natural affection towards each other don’t let petty things disrupt your friendship because you never know when you might need each other again. Pray for patience for both of you. Count your blessings both of you. 


you've more than "paid him back". tell him altruism isn't supposed to come at a price. 


so what's the question?