Is my whole ******' life defined by a mistake I made 12 years ago?

I've travelled around the world and made lots of friends. Taught English to children in Korea. I've been an educator to many children. I have a wonderful boyfriend who teaches at a major school board.

But 12 years ago, I made a mistake that would haunt me for the rest of my life. I lied to someone and then confessed that I lied to them. At first, this person was forgiving. But then she began telling the whole entire world about what I had done.

The person I lied to is now dead. It was 12 years ago. I wish I could undo the past but I can't. Can we let this go?

What did Jesus say about stones?


Favorite Answer

what you need to do is ask for forgiveness and he will forgive you and forget it.  Move on it should not define your whole life.  Some people lie every tijme they opne their mouth.  So move on and do better.

Robert De Angelis-Italy-United States2020-12-28T16:38:39Z

What do the stones have to do with it? Jesus told the Pharisees at that time, saying that, the truth spoken by Him and His disciples, even if they were silent, the stones can testify to their presence and truth in time. So is this symbolic? Luke 19:40.
At the age of 12 did you make a mistake and sin? Only the Lord has the power to erase it, if you, repent, and ask him forgiveness with all your heart, he will forgive you, and if you accept him as your personal Savior and Lord, he will save you, after this earthly life.


"What did Jesus say about stones?"
Nothing, jesus never actually existed.
And nobody cares about your personal bullcrap, either.
Also, Doug is a pathological liar and incessant spammer.


We are all really in the same boat. We are all sinners who need a Savior. Only Jesus Christ saves. The very moment you believe in Him alone to save you, ALL of your sins (past, present, and future) are completely forgiven (Acts 10:43). Jesus is God and He loves you infinitely! He doesn't want you to keep beating yourself up over this. Just rest in the promises found in the Word of God.

The Bible is very clear that no one can earn their way to heaven since good works do not pay for sins. See Gal. 2:16, Rom. 3:23-28, 4:4-5, Eph. 2:8-9, Tit. 3:5. The only way to heaven is by believing in Jesus for His free gift of eternal life. Jesus shed His blood on the cross as the full payment for our sins. He did all the work; all He requires of us is that we believe in Him. Once you believe in Jesus Christ to save you, you are secure forever!

Because we have all sinned against a perfectly holy and righteous God, we all deserve eternal separation from God in hell (Rom. 6:23). However, God loves us so much that He sent His only Son Jesus to die on the cross as our Substitute so we don't have to go to hell. Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose from the grave three days later (1 Cor. 15:3-4). He gives eternal life freely to anyone who simply believes in Him for it. No one can be saved by doing good works. Salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone (Eph. 2:8-9).

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me hath everlasting life" (John 6:47).

Coach Simon2020-12-28T14:59:38Z

So the whole world knows that you made a mistake; actually I don't! Who hasn't ever lied? Even about serious things. The quote you are probably looking for is, "let him who is without sin cast the first stone" when a crow gathered to stone a "sinner" in a story.

Good Luck!

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