Is it a BIG surprise that the Dominion voter machines went down at 10:00 AM  in the 3 biggest Republican voter precincts in Georgia?

Hardly! Oh, no voter fraud here or anything to see. Voters that showed up and told the machines were down said they can put their vote into a envelope and "we will scan it for you."  Yeah right! ROYALLY LMFAO!  Georgia desperately needs some public hangings for TREASON!


Get your seat belts and crash helmets on silly liberal responders, your "liberal" debunking and little pea brains will be coming to a harsh reality and rude awakening real soon! Can YOU dipstick liberals get ANY more stupid? Judging by your responses YOU obviously can! LMFAO!


You are a delusional traitor to this country but please keep talking so we know who you are.


You may be right in your mind as you are so smart and willing to bet your life on it. Be you still loose and Trump is still a loser therefore you lost loser.


I wonder what the error rate will be, 68% maybe.  This is Georgia where they are illegally shredding the paper ballots from the presidential election.

Not You2021-01-05T23:01:49Z

Already debunked my dude.


That’s called an argument of ignorance. “Idk why those machines went down therefore it must be voter fraud”

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