were white people the first christians and Jews?
I am not trying to be rude or racist but every white person I met saids they either christian or Jewish.
I am not trying to be rude or racist but every white person I met saids they either christian or Jewish.
Doug Catholic
Lots of black, brown and yellow Christians and Jews, as well.
wind rider
Word has no color it creates color. Word is first at everything. Word is the first christian and Jew.
In the Ist century the first christians were Jewish converts.
Were the Jewish people in Israel who became christians white skinned people?
Answer: Probably not.
Historians who have studied the racial and skin makeup of the Jewish people during biblical times have concluded that they were olive skinned people.
This would mean that a christians Saviour Jesus Christ was a olive skinned person not a white skinned person.
While its true that christianity spread through Europe in the early centuries this doesn't mean that there not christian converts in Asia or the Nth African continent.
Does it really matter what skin colour a christian is anyway?
The bible never describes Jesus Christ's skin colour probably for a good reason.
If Jesus was white then black people would say christianity is a whites faith
If Jesus was black white people could say it is a black persons faith.
No. There were no "white" people in the time of Jesus in the current sense of European white.
I do believe so because people could paint paintings at his time on earth could they not?