1-6-21 Do the d#ckheads who invaded the capitol secretly want to bring UN peacekeepers down on us to supervise our future elections?


Oh brother! Magenta, Pink and Bill...so judgemental, no wonder your activity is private!  I wrote the question about the EVENTS of 1-6-21, and to be fair, I composed the question around 11:50 local time and didn't hit (Submit) until about four minutes after midnight, so that explains that.  cf. Matthew 5:22 it's not worth getting that upset about. 


Just require a thumbprint to qualify each ballot. Most States have a record of thumbprints on driver's licenses and the few who do not should build one. 


F*uck the UN. I want the US government to be destroyed and its supporters killed, not the f*ucking UN to invade the country. 

 @This is MAGENTA, not pink: On the west cost it's still the 6th. Good job understanding time zones. lol


It is 7/1/21, you fool.