25th amendment vs impeachment what's the difference?

The Truthseeker2021-01-08T04:50:28Z

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Different procedures, one involves impeachment and conviction; House Impeaches and Senate tries and convicts. If convicted, removal occurs. 25th Amendment is when president becomes incapacitated. V.P. and Majority of Cabinet or high officials must agree and notify Congress; which can result in removal. President has due process rights and can challenge in both cases. 


With the 25th Amendment, the VP + a majority of the Cabinet determine that the President is not capable of doing the job. 
Impeachment is criminal activity, starts in the House, and then the Senate has to vote whether the crime warrants removal. 


25th was in case the Pres is ill, they can use the VP.  Actually, anytime the Pres goes in for surgery or whatever, it goes into effect. Impeachment is an investigation. Neither one of those actions removes the President from office.  Pelosi and Schumer have gone nuts.