Why was Trump more upset that Capitol mob looked ‘low class’ than about violent attacks? Its obvious his base IS low class.?


Trump doesn't care about the US, he cares about his image.  Donny thinks he's a high class, sophisticated,  cosmopolitan millionaire, with a golden toilet to prove it


These idiot tRumptards don't want you to believe your lying eyes.  Of course the base is low class.


Trump wasn't upset, It's reported he LAUGHED as he watched the riot. The only mistake those people made was listening to and BELIEVING Trumps BS - as many did in the first place when they voted him in. And now Trump will get the exit he rightfully deserves/has EARNED as Congress build up speed to impeach him before Biden's inauguration.


Actually according to exit polls, those making more 100k a year voted Trump, if we're strictly talking about social class here.

" Voters from wealthy households swung further towards Mr Trump in 2020. Just over half of those whose family income was more than $100,000 a year supported the president."



His base is half the country and made up of all races and walks of life. So you’re a racist and “phobe” in every sense. 

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