Is it right or wrong to change political party affiliation when it does something that you don't agree with?

Is is it a productive move or an emotional one?


Favorite Answer

I see no advantage to designating party affiliation on your registration. 


If you ask me, we would be better off if political parties didn't exist. They try to make you fit in a box. As such, I think they are irrelevant. As long as I can vote for the candidate of my choice, that is all that counts.

Weasel McWeasel2021-01-11T12:31:14Z

sometimes , you can be so appalled by the actions one party or the other takes,  it forces you to re-evaluate  whether you still want to support that party or not. 

In my life time, so far, there were 4 or 5  times,  republicans became so vile,  I just didn't want to listen to them anymore, as they abandoned all reason. 

Watergate, the  2003  Iraq Invasion, over lies........2004, when they swift boated a decorated Veteran, ... 2008  when they kept calling McCain  "songbird" and traitor.........and then ran him for president when all their other loser candidates crashed out one by one,  and were FORCED  to run McCain, and then suddenly pretended he was the greatest thing since sliced bread, after years of abusing  him, and  pretty much since 2014   when Trump started all the Birther BS again and rode racial hatred to the white house, ..and then  later they all  refused to vote to impeach him.....and now,  still challenging the election results.  and still defending this scumbag. 

I try to listen to the republican point of view and see their side........but they've been acting so atrociously for so long now,........they're just  lost all credibility and I can't take them seriously anymore.   Ted Crud,   Bullsh*t Barbie,  Kellyann Conjob. ----

maybe Trump supporters love being lied to, but the rest of us have a brain and it's just down right insulting, when these people insult our intelligence and tell us Truth is not truth and what you see is not what you see, and we're suppose to believe their meth fueled versions of the TRUTH..........


We encourage people to leave the Demoncratic party since it abandoned America long ago. 

I'm That Mexican2021-01-11T12:19:18Z

As the Old saying goes. "I didn't leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left me." If your principles are noble & sound, then follow your principles no matter where they lead you.

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