Is dating a co-worker girl at my work a good idea or bad idea?


Favorite Answer

It should be up to you. Do u really like her? Does she like u? Do u actually work together? How big is the company? I do not see a problem with that unless it messes up work of urself and her.

For some it does work but others not.

And does ur work have a policy about dating or whatever in the workplace?

Sometimes one or both need to look for another job though.

T J2021-01-13T04:47:33Z

Bad idea.........

The Oracle of Omigod2021-01-13T01:55:53Z

Not good because what happens when one of you falls in love and the other one doesn't.  I've been there.


in my experience, it is a good idea only about 1 time out of 20


Nope . She might replace you as fry cook