What were some of the most accurate predictions of the future?

Who were the people who predicted these things? Do you know anyone personally who predicted something spectacular? 


In 2016 I predicted trump would be a terrible President and his name would be mud by the time he left office.


I don't know her name.

It's on YouTube.

But I remember her image.

The black panther militant look with the Afro and leather....lol

She called in the 70s that blackmen will be wearing earrings, dresses, and the kids disrespectful of US as a group.

It's 2021.........🤔


I predicted third world immigrants would bring disease to the West and thought it would be Ebola, so I was right and wrong in one swoop. 
It's Coronovirus! 

Liberals laughed at this suggestion,  but they aren't laughing now.....they're dying. 


Yes. In the future electricity would be free, many people said so, because with  nuclear power a lump of uranium just keeps giving off energy which using turbines would make free electricity!

Many people expected by now we'd all be flying our cars around!

George Orwell predicted by 1984 we'd be living in a surveillance society where everything we read was recorded, everything we said was recorded. We'd have electronic devices in our homes which would send the information off to Big Brother for analysis in a large data warehouse!


I personally predicted that calling the referendum on Brexit would lead to disaster.

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