Am I to assume I didn't get the job? :(?
So I had an interview over the phone with the hiring manager. I thought it went pretty bad because I was so nervous. She was nice and discussed the pay, asked me what I feel I should be paid, asked me would I be okay traveling a short distance to the office weekly and I agreed and said everything was fine. She concluded the conversation by saying, "so what's next is you have a final interview with our regional manager and me and (other hiring manager's name) will help you prep so you're not going in there blind, and if she decides that she wants to go with you, she'll give you a decision in 24hours." I said thank you and we hung up. That was 3 days ago and I haven't heard from them. Normally, they have been the ones to just randomly call me and ask me what time is good to talk and I tell them so we've never set a date for any of our convos and I've had three so far with them. Should I reach out to them? Or just assume I didn't make the cut?