do people think it’s racist to call covid the chinese virus?


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yes people think that.. but the truth is.. it' is a chinese virus.. becuase it came from China. 

But you can't go around screaming that **** everywhere. 


No, not at all. We call it the Chinese virus, because it came from China.


Some do because some people think everything is racist.  But most do not think it's racist.  They think it's accurate since it originated in China.


Only the Chinese themselves think it's racist. And even if is racist, that is the biggest double standards of all time considering the Chinese literally persecute against Africans. Bunch of bastards!


No.  It originated in China.  It's far more fair than calling the 1918 H1N1 pandemic the "Spanish Flu" despite the fact that it absolutely did not originate there and Spain actually had it fairly mild compared to alot of other countries.

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