Want to see what the Insurrection Act looks like when invoked?

Look at the military buildup in Washington DC. Trump is the ONLY one with the authority to command the US military to buildup like this. A military buildup for a virtual inauguration like the dipstick Biden team wants YOU to believe? Yeah right and get real! Many arrests have already been made. Sorry silly liberals, get your seat belts and crash helmets on!


It's time for dumbed down America to wake up to the FACT that it is the Chinese that own NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, MSNBC, CNN and what YOU are NOT seeing is the obvious and massive propaganda campaign they are running right now to keep the facts from you of what is really going on. You can't see the censorship? Only the dumbed down part of America can't see what is going on here.


?: What part of "dumbed down part of America" that YOU are obviously a part of, don't you understand? Get with it, because YOU and others like YOU are going to get with it, if you like saving the US Constitution and the USA or not. There is no multiple choice.


Dave:  YOU don't have the slightest clue. 


troi: Typical brainless "educated" liberal response! LMFAO!


Blah blah blah..

I'm That Mexican2021-01-19T01:18:46Z

It's all theater for the masses & the simpletons....


not really to be honest

Little Ms Sunshine2021-01-19T01:15:07Z

You must've missed the letter from the Joint Chiefs of Staff last week. Basically, they're not taking orders from him anymore. 

✞❤†Archangel TJ†❤✞2021-01-19T01:13:46Z

God Bless the USA.
Trump MAGA

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