How is it possible Trump invoked the "Capitol mob?"?

The Washington Post just reported McConnel said that it was Trump who invoked the US Capitol break ins. How is this possible? Trump was still speaking when the break ins occurred and it's a 30 minute walk from where he was speaking to the US Capitol. It WAS all pre planned and obviously so by the left's ANTIFA as we ALL know now US Special Forces were mixed in with the Antifa group from early summer and were also dressed up as Trump supporters who successfully confiscated Pelosi's laptop and numerous Congressman's laptops which WERE LIVE ONLINE IN REAL TIME WITH CHINESE OPERATIVES while the electoral votes were being counted, and now they are all in jail including Pelosi. These people including McConnel just can't stop committing HIGH TREASON. Do YOU folks out there really think the military buildup in Washington DC is to protect the obvious criminal elect Biden who STOLE the military vote to "win." Yeah right!  Enjoy the show liberals!


Dumbed down America: WAKE UP! LMFAO!

Russ in NOVA2021-01-19T18:46:42Z

"Trump was still speaking when the break ins occurred and it's a 30 minute walk from where he was speaking to the US Capitol." -- FALSE. Trump finished by 1:15 and the mob did not begin the push onto the capitol steps until 1:30 and did not break into the building until 2:11.  Walking time is about 24 minutes from the ellipse to the capitol.

Trump has been inciting this violence ever since the  election, his speech on the 6th was just another in list of communications (rallies, tweets, news conferences) designed to provoke a bunch of clueless rubes into doing something stupid and unpatriotic like riot on the capital.

Evidence is overwhelming that this was planned and organized by radical right wingnut groups acting on Trump's siren song.  

The rest of your crazy rant is the same BS lies and fake conspiracy theories that Trump has been spreading throughout his tenure warmed over.   So fake that his loyal Attorney General (Barr) resigned after telling him it was all BS to his face. 

Note:  Putting words in UPPERCASE doesn't make them any more true, it just makes you look even crazier and more delusional.  


That cover story has already been tried and debunked. And trump constantly lying for two months claiming the election was stolen and then telling the crowd on Jan. 6 that now is the time to be strong, we must fight to win our country back certainly did invoke the Capitol mob to attack. Trump should be tarred and feathered and exiled for crimes against Democracy and the USA.


don't even try your BS .


Wow, if only there was some way of transmitting words and pictures through the ether at faster than walking pace.

Not You2021-01-19T18:28:16Z

Sometimes I can't tell if someone is serious or just doing a bit.

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