Please don't laugh at me and really think about it no need to be nasty. Be supportive.?

I'm a one man show manufacturer of motorcycle performance parts. Say I'm making a suzuki part, can I slam a sticker on it that has a suzuki logo and any random word like say " Suzuki High Performance"?

Here is the important part of the question, that sticker with the suzuki logo and whatever sentence is a sticker that I will buy from an authorized dealer. Which means I did not design or make the logo and I didn't steal Suzuki's copyright. My website and print materials states that this are not made by suzuki.





The Devil2021-01-25T03:01:13Z

Suzuki can take you to court for damages- stealing their name, unless you get an agreement from them to make their aftermarket parts.Why don't you use your own name instead of stealing a registered trade mark.

Ian K2021-01-25T00:46:22Z

Suzuki lawyers will crush your one-man operation when you start using their trademarked logo on your parts.

A Hunch2021-01-24T22:42:45Z

You are giving the impression that it's an authorized suzuki part and it's not.

It does not matter what your website or print material says.  You want to do this to make people believe they are licensed/authorizied suzuki parts.