Do democrats realize that they have sold their souls?
Millennials and radical democrats have sold their souls for a free education instead of demanding lower interest rates, extending the years to pay. Abortion rights which have always been an issue since roe v wade. The environment. I support the environment I am a tree hugger who hates development and fights against it but if I have to choose a tree or a job for a family to eat I have to choose the family. I have never supported a party 100 percent. I support very liberal ideas. I support lgbtqia 100 percent I support the legalization of marijuana I support federal funding to quickly make clean air while still utilizing the energy sources in the country. Silencing conservatives and having control of big business may seem funny and give you a haha moment but this will turn on you. Primaries give a person a choice to choose between 2 people in one party who have different philosophies. Radical democrats will silence those in their own party who disagrees with them. This was done by hitler who’s people were desperate to eat not desperate for power because they hate one man and his supporters so much that they are willing to sell their souls to silence them. You need to WAKE UP immediately and realize what you are actually doing
You can still support the true democrat ideology but don’t support the radicals like AOC who are calling for Trump supporters to be deprogrammed and fired from jobs just because they used ( I shouldn’t have to say this ) their constitutional rights to support a President that they voted for. A president who did not incite violence anymore than president Biden did when he said that he wanted to “ beat the hell out of “ president Trump.
Vice President Harris saying that “ BLM is a movement not going anywhere and shouldn’t go anywhere “ Maxine Waters saying “ crowds should gather and push Trump supporters in restaurants gas stations department stores and tell them that they aren’t welcome anywhere anytime “ I will continue to denounce the violence at the capital. It was horrible and inexcusable as was the violence this past summer and all need to be prosecuted to the full extent
This is in no way and excuse but the number of those who attacked the capital and the number of Trump supporters is less than.0000.01 percent. Still inexcusable but don’t put Trump supporters in the same category of the criminal supporters. Don’t call us all racist misogynistic bigots until you ask us why we support Trump. I suppose that there are racist misogynist bigots who do support him but I don’t know any. Don’t support silencing opposing voices until one day there will only be one voice
James it is your fantasy that is dancing in your head.
Anonymous you are just ignorant and too far gone to be helped.
The radical democrats who have responded to this question are going to be responsible for the revolutionary war that is certain. Americans are not going to allow a totalitarian government and if you can’t see this happening you are dangerously mentally challenged