What more do I need to convert 9v ac to dc and function correctly ?

I have a 110 volt ac to 9v ac adapter that I want to convert to dc to power some devices. I have a number of bridge rectifiers, capacitors, resistors, breadboard, and the tools needed to test and assemble circuits. If I understand correctly, I need to use a capacitor in the circuit. Am I correct? What ratings of the capacitor I’d need?


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The 9VAC voltage after rectification and smoothing will be around (9 - (2 x 0.7)) x 1.414 = 10.7 VDC if using a full wave bridge rectifier. Rule of thumb for the capacitor value is 1000uF/ampere. Thus, if you expect to draw 2.5 amps, the minimum value of the smoothing capacitor is 2500 uF. The voltage rating of the capacitor should be 16V or higher.

The output voltage will not be well regulated, so you'll need to add a voltage regulator with an output voltage that meets your requirements.


How much current do you need ?