Can you ever again trust political parties to screen candidates for public office to assure they are worthy to support Democracy? ?

It is becoming obvious that a political party has no vetting of candidates before they are allowed to be supported and financed to uphold the laws they will be sworn to uphold if they are elected to the office they are aspiring to.


It appears we have elected a number of people who have little or no interest in perpetuating the beliefs and values we have held for our entire lives. 


We the independent people who are voting do not have the capability or resources to investigate candidates and their backgrounds to assure they are basically qualified to represent us.  So you get a candidate who is a good sales person rather than a legitimate and honest person to represent basic values of the office.


not in first-past-the-post  land.

In countries where governing requires a majority(-coalition), similar parties provide some healthy competition


Umm...hello! The screening is the job of the voters.