So I sent this girl I knew from school a friend request on Facebook. About 3 weeks later she still not accepted and she’s been active.
I can’t think of a reason as to why she would leave me hanging... it’s not as if I’m trying to get into her pants either, she was just a mutual friend I went to school with
Maybe she only wants to be connected to people that are actively in her life ? Maybe she is in a relationship and rightfully has 0 interests in having male friends due to her commitment ? Maybe she is going through a social media cleanse of toxic people online and so is not looking to be accepting friend requests right now ? Could be anything. Don't let it bother you.
I get a lot of friend requests from people and I get a notification of one I think I will accept but ten when I look for it later I can't find it so it may just be lost among so many others.
Move on man. Don't get emotionally attached to a friend request. Lol. I'm sure she thinks she's better than you. Don't waste your time on such a basic b*tch.