Which is better for a kid a husky or Bassett hound? ?

I have a little boy that I'm getting a puppy whish is better husky or Bassett hound


on depend on your son age .because such toddlers ages 6 year old not good with big dogs and small dogs because some times dogs can become mean and aggressive toward little children if the dogs is not  train will and never been raise by human before .you need to take a risk for your child in case your boy get bitten or attack by a dog . so it better not get a husky because they do not get along with children i know i had did some researched online they do not get along with younger children. more get along to adult kids . plus they shed alot of hairs and not easily to be train if you leave the dog at home alone the dog will trash your whole house and get into your trash cans and drink into your toilet and chew on your pretty slippers and eat and chew on your son favors toys and ect. they do not stay still with leashes. so its better choice different dogs that does good along with younger kids and aren't so aggressive and easily to be train and doesnt care if your son play and get push over by the dog . but as for basset hound isnt too bad . they more friendly and they like kids any ages but make sure you dont leave your son with the dog during the dog eating time .because you need to teach your son not to take foods and hit or hold too tied on the dog because might hurt the dog . and basset hound does grool if you dont mind about it then that best dog to get. 


You don't say how old the kid is but presumably you would be the one taking the dogs for walks and caring for it and there is a HUGE difference between the amount of exercise these two breeds needs and the amount of training.   Have you got several hours a day to be out running with a Husky... if not,  there's your answer. 

No 'kid'  should be in charge of a dog whether it's in the home or outside.   Great that kids learn to handle and raise a dog and help with everything involved with the dog for sure but a dog is not 'for' a kid. 


Huskies are very high maintenance and need lots of exercise.  Basset Hounds are lovable.  I'd go with the BH.


Definitely not the Husky.  This breed needs an experienced, stern owner.  Not a good dog for a first time dog owner or a child. 


the hound is better

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