Why do religious nut jobs hate atheists? What is their problem?

Religious nut jobs are psychological bullies and sociopaths who play mind games to control others while atheists refuse to conform with religious delusions.


Favorite Answer

They are ignorant and stupid. They are AFRAID of things. The funny thing is...WE ARE ALL ATHEISTS.

"We are all atheists when push comes to shove. One person might believe in some deity and another might believe in 50 gods. SO WHAT? Neither of them believes in the other's moronic beliefs.  WE ARE ALL, therefore, ATHEISTS. "


We're destroying their immortality. If there's no God, then no immortality. Let's face it atheism says life is the result of random mutations, that led to humans. There is no loving father figure in the sky.

This isn't a pleasant thought for some people.  BUt I like the freedom, from a God that care about what I  believe in, and will send me to hell for the wrong actions.


Ignorance and stupidity

John Daniels2021-01-31T17:04:36Z



They challenge the very core values that the religious base their entire life upon.  So, they are to both fear and hate them for that.