Is the Republican party capable of logical and responsible governing ?  ?

They fail to face reality and are not in favor of the continuation of the United States leading the world in freedom or morals.


Since when is the word Republican a Dirty Word? 


A Hell of a lot better than the commie dems.. Trump did a damn good job despite the hassle from the idiot dems.  Now they are taking it all away, and making the country a real mess.  Those who support the Biden Crime Family and all the communist cohorts will be sorry one day!


Now that you have declared one party rule, I am fighting for less crazy in your ranks....I will never vote in a republican primary again...Go Tulsi Go....


No. They’re habitually on the wrong side of history. 

I'm That Mexican2021-02-02T12:36:32Z

America lost that title the day it legalized abortion.

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