Are McCarthy, Jordan, and the "Freedom Caucus" telling us they and other Republicans support the overthrow of our Democracy?

They are favoring Q'anon and violence oriented groups to take control of the the legislative branch of our government. 

Elwood Blues2021-02-04T14:38:57Z

The "Freedom Caucus" folks seem to think it's fine that Trump said "fight like hell" and Rudy Giuliani said "Let's have trial by combat!" before a riled up crowd attacked and shut down our Congress.  They seem to think getting a blojob is impeachable, but fomenting violence is not.


I'm pretty sure that what they are saying is that they support a Democratic Republic and respect the voice/s the Constituents elect to Represent them....

Purging and Silencing the Opposition is the act of a Totalitarian Government, not a Democratic Republic.

What You Talkin' About?2021-02-04T14:33:05Z

They and other GOP gave a standing ovation to a person who has "liked" death threats to other members of Congress, says school shooting are false flags, and claimed CA wildfires were caused by Jews shooting lasers from space.

That is the current Republican party.  It remains a dangerous time for our country.


They are all about your freedom!
So long as that's your freedom to do exactly what they tell you to do
That's totalitarianism for you and that's what these people want for the USA!

Chewy Ivan 22021-02-04T14:29:35Z

Yes.  Conservatives have been so indoctrinated with the "Democrats bad" propaganda that they even believe democracy is bad, too.

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