are there any democrats that are against Biden opening the border back up?
Here is the thing. If Biden opens up the border of course the first thing that we need to worry about is more drugs being smuggled across the country. The next issue to worry about is that the illegal immigrants coming across the border are going to take our jobs for less pay. The other thing is with open borders, Texas might turn Blue as in Democrat run and that means China will have total control over the United States using the Drug drug route from China to Mexico to Texas. Just kind of curious if there are any democrats that disagree with the open borders, I can guarantee it will be worse than when Obummer was in office.
They are going to save our jobs. Our jobs are going overseas because employers can't get the workers they need here. Immigration allows companies to stay here and hire some immigrants and some Americans. But they can't survive if they can only hire Americans; if there are no immigrants to hire, they have to close or leave and go where they can hire the workers they need.
I’m sure their are moderate democrats as I’m sure their are moderate republicans and these will the people that get the country on the right track where common sense will prevail and cooperation will win day.
If we want immigration laws changed congress needs to have the debate and come up with a immigration policy that they can all live with. Then legislate it sent it on to the senate for the law to be written and on to the president to make it law. Then to justice to enforce. Laws that are not enforced should be taken off the books.
Biden's plan let people who have illegally entered the country obtain citizenship before others who have spent years doing it the legal way. I can't imagine ALL Democrats being in favor of rewarding illegal actions, but I could be wrong.