Who was that man who offered a million dollars if they could prove that God existed? How come NO Christian was ever able to earn that money?


Favorite Answer

Donald Trump.                        


1.  Don't know, don't care.

2.  Because God is too far away to observe.


I remember hearing something about that a few years ago.  I think they guy gave up the offer because he realized the overwhelming evidence.  Instead why don't you try for this ten million dollar prize?




Look at the idiots who won't accept covid as real.

Einstein --  Two things are infinite:  the universe and human stupidity.

Robert De Angelis-Italy-United States2021-02-07T15:11:04Z

It was the Devil, your god, who had offered you sustenance if, you rejected the existence of God.
God is there, and He manifests Himself only, and exclusively to all who pray to Him.
Atheists will only see God on their judgment day, then, they will be transported to hell.

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