Should there be no borders or no walls? ?

Why don't we TEAR DOWN THE WALLS? Ban ICE. Because we are all workers. No human should be illegal. 


Graphicconnection: To answer your question, in a Workers World, there are no limitations to what we can achieve. Think of China, for example. They have a population over 4 times than that of the U.S., and at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, they built an emergency hospital in 10 days! Nothing can hold us back. 

Spock (rhp)2021-02-09T01:31:48Z

let us a) stop all welfare programs for non-citizens, and b) reinstitute hanging for felonies ... then I'm with you


OK, but back in the real world, how many people can your hospitals or schools cope with?

A population of 320 million? 500 million? 750 million? 1 billion? 2 billion? 4 billion?

4 billion, in round numbers, would require your taxes to be about 12 times what they are now - and you would need to build lots of new hospitals and schools. is that doable?


Well John, why don't you start helping out and become a sponsor for some of these illegals. You can take them into your home and shelter and feed them till they can do this on their own 

checkout any time you like but you may never leave2021-02-08T22:55:26Z

Having open borders, speaks to everyone else that put in the effort to achieve that LAW has no control!

Please read the testament atleast 5 times, if you don't and believe in Yale, then our country has NO future.


Correct, I believe in open borders for all.  

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