Is it normal to feel like everyone secretly dislikes you, being your friend only out of pity or kindness? If so, how did you over come this?


Favorite Answer

That’s not normal, you probably should see a counselor, you might be able to deal with it on your own but that can be difficult.

Baron VonHiggins2021-02-10T18:01:15Z

Everyone and anyone who can read and wants to overcome their illusions about what friendship really is should read Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, especially books 8 & 9, but I suggest the entire treatise. After reading this you may as well keep reading and studying Aristotle, as it will be your only hope of overcoming all the manipulative nonsense you are exposed to on the Internet.

Mio of The Digital Haze2021-02-10T17:52:42Z

I've already past this realization, and for some of my so called "friends" even found this out to be true, much to my dismay. I know the real me is a lot more recluse and reserved, but I'm fine with that and I'm not changing just to "fit in" with people that probably still don't care. 


Maybe a lack of self esteem and self worth, along with anxiety caused by ideas of reference, but a hint of social longing (normal); or maybe actually a bit of a Paranoid Personality Disorder. The first one is what I strongly believe. The latter is there for a "just in case" reason. Either way, seek help. I know what it's like to feel this way. It is very unbearable.

Btw, I myself feel like nobody saw me as a friend; im just someone extremely compassionate people have to tolerate.

Mama Kimama2021-02-10T17:41:05Z

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