Why won’t trump appear and testify at his own senate hearing?
Bill Clinton did. Heck Hillary Clinton did. Doesn’t this prove once again that trump is a coward. He told his rioting supporters that he was going with them to the Capitol Building. But he didn’t. What is trump afraid of?
trump is not a private citizen. Private citizens don’t get 24/7 Secret Service protection.
durango joe2021-02-13T17:41:01Z
Because the verdict for this trial has already been decided. So why would he want to show up and possibly say some Republicans to vote to convict? Lets face it this is a show trial that will not get the Democrats the results they want. They need 2/3 of all Senators to vote to convict that means 67 of 100 Senators need to vote with them. Even with those like Romney that have a grudge against Trump voting with them they do not have the votes.
Considering Trumps propensity to constantly lie and exaggerate you really think any defense attorney in their right mind would want him on the stand to testify? Not a chance.