Why are gays afraid of the truth?

I've answered same questions about how I a straight man feel about homosexuals and they keep getting deleted. I don't lie and give my honest answer. Are they scared of the truth?


When you write things that are intentionally offensive and/or directly insulting, they get flagged and get deleted.  You can have whatever opinions you want, but you have to follow the community guidelines and TOS here as you express it.

display name2021-02-17T13:50:22Z

I've read many of your answers and while you're entitled to your "feelings" for the most part you express them in really hurtful and harmful ways - like telling someone who is depressed to "kill themselves".  Yes, that was one of your answers.  You say things about people, not just gay people but in general, that are truly cringeworthy, that a thoughtful person simply wouldn't say.  This isn't "honesty" this is hurtful, harmful and hateful.  I'm not scared of "the truth", but I don't think you have it.  Your opinions are NOT Truth, they are simply opinions, most often (according to your answers) based on little or no knowledge.  You really do take yourself too seriously.  As for the anonymous answerer who hopes you get raped - that's an example of the meanness that you have shown others.  It is inappropriate and lame.


Unfortunately none of us on here have the power to delete your or anyone else post.
What people can do is they can report a post that does not comply to the conditions of use of the service.
If you are not complying to the conditions then your post could be removed.


1. you are a well known troll
2. you are projecting


I am guessing you were spreading some homophobic nonsense?

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