Are there two types of trump supporters, those who know it's all lies but go along just to belong, and those too stupid to tell obvious lies?


I thought most Trump supporters were just Wrestling fans that followed Trump because Vince McMahon told them too.  So wrestling fans really never knew the real Trump. They voted for Wrestling/ acting Trump, a Vince McMahon/ WWE creation.

Long term friend McMahon even put “The Donald” in the WWE Hall of Fame. 
Which pretty much proves wrestling fans never knew the Real Trump was a conman, a pervert, a criminal, and a pathological liar.

W.T. Door2021-02-19T02:55:37Z

Please don't feed the troll. Don't answer. Thy go away when ignored. 

Judy and Charlie2021-02-19T02:52:32Z

You are not only correct, you put this FACT succinctly.

However, it begs the question, "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?"  Don't they have a life or is it just their cognition at fault and a need to belong to a losing faction headed by a criminal and a traitor?


There are many millions of Trump voters who cast a ballot because of the alternatives.