How can I get tested for Autism without my parents knowing?

When I was little my mother thought I had SPD. Didn't get me tested.
A few months ago I was having some food texture issues, and my brother goes, "do you have autism?" in the usual brotherly snot-like way. And my dad said that I could, because I have other symptoms, but they won't get me tested because they don't want to know.
But I want to know because if I do have autism, even though it won't change me, at least I'll have an explanation for everything I hate about myself.

I'm 18 (I know I could get tested on my own), but I have no money and I'm on my parents' insurance. Do I really have to wait years until I can afford it myself?


Favorite Answer

Contact your state's division of developmental disabilities services, and ask THEM how you can get tested for Autism. They should be able to provide you with some resources.


maybe social services can help you pay for it


autism is not a disease...its part of the human condition...we are all autistic..i know i am even though i also never been tested


Are there any free mental health clinics in your City?