New job I'm considering?

I'm thinking about becoming a union organizer but I don't know what the hours are like. Is that type of job where I have to spend 10 or 12 hours a day trying to convince non-union workers to become part of a union?


I have been working in the laborers union for 6 years and now thinking about the office position


Maybe you should speak to existing union organisers and find out what the role is.


I was the vice president of a local postal union for 7 years.  I'll start by saying that your question sounds suspicious.  I'm picturing someone trying to scam you with a job offer that isn't real.
Union organizers usually have worked in a "Union Shop" for years and have a lot of experience as a union steward.  If someone is offering you a union organizing job out of the blue, then it's probably a scam.