What's the difference between war crimes and crimes against humanity. And which is worse?


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Both are capital offences, and often overlap.  They are both as bad as each other. Crimes against humanity are usually genocide involving civilians, eg the Shoah. War crimes are crimes involving the use of chemical weapons or the murder of Prisoners of War and the like and are in contravention of International Treaties such as the Geneva Convention.  


War crimes involve anything that would be considered a crime in itself: murder, rape, torture, theft, etc when committed against the enemy.

Crimes against humanity involve targeting innocent civilians with crimes on a mass scale.

The bombing of Hamburg was a crime against humanity. The bombing of Dresden was a war against humanity. The bombing of Hiroshima was a crime against humanity. The bombing of Nagasaki was a crime against humanity.

The policies used against the Germans AFTER the war called "denazification" were crimes against humanity.

The mainstream narrative is quick to talk about the atrocities Hitler was accused of (with little or no proof to support the accusations), but what they keep hidden is a truth about their own crimes against humanity AFTER the war.

This kind of thing is being censored on Youtube and other "progressive" sites as "hate speech". But documented history of actual events is not "hate speech" - it neither makes nor supports biased views, it merely presents a different side of the story to be considered.

It can only be found on independent websites that don't support the "progressive" censorship.

The act of blocking it because it offers an opposing view is, in itself, hate speech by the "progressive's" own definition.



trump and miller put babies in cages , that's a crime against humanity . 


Crimes against Humanity Murdering 6 Million Jews because of the Links with being Hebrew then murdering another 9 Million Civilians because he did not like who they were

War crimes Bombing Civilians staffing refugees and Bombing them

Invading Neutral Countries because they could