Will my cat forget me after month?

I have two cats who stay in my room at my mother's house (we're currently trying to move them to my dad's house so they don't have to be locked up all the time), and I have been the only person that cares for them for several years. But my stepdad is currently doing work on my bedroom, so the cats are staying in my brother's room. It was originally only supposed to be for a week or two, but my stepdad discovered the ceiling is rotting, so it might take up to a month until I see my cats again. Will they remember me when I get them back? Or will they be hesitant to interact with me? I just wanna make sure my bond with them won't be hindered :)


Of course they'll remember you, cats are smart. They may be slightly hesitant but that's because they'll be used to your mum and step dad.


i would hope so