Will people judge me for this?

Found out today I need to wear glasses.
my friends are used to seeing without glasses.

Honestly though in social situations will people judge for wearing glasses?


Favorite Answer

Why on earth do you think you'll be 'judged' because you need glasses?  Your work will be better when your sight is improved.  Your whole life will be enhanced by seeing well.  Don't worry about what others say - even if they are negative about you. Such people's opinions should be ignored then forgotten.


Your friends might laugh for a little bit, but they’ll get used to it. Friends are supposed to make fun of you a little. But it’ll get old quick, and they’ll find something else to laugh about. 


glasses are cool            .


wow literally no one gives a fck...

people don't care if you're wearing glasses, if you're not wearing glasses. since your friends don't know you need glasses they'll be like "oh" and then they'll get over it because they have better things to focus on.....


I went to the optician and he told me that I was colour blind  , and I'll tell you that it came completely out of the green 😁