Does the USA have a father of its country?

oil field trash2021-03-07T12:06:25Z

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The general consensus is George Washington. He was very instrumental in the independence movement from the Declaration of Independence through the Revolutionary War to being the first President.  Many people want him to become king but he chose not to do that. Also he chose to step down as President after only two terms thereby setting an example for most Presidents that followed. 


Yes. George Washington is consider the father. Technically though he's one of many of the founding fathers (such as Benjamin Franklin)
 But since he was the first president, he's regarded as THE father.


yes the Traitor Washington he arranged for the USA to be conceived on war and has been the Father of the worlds Bully since


We call George Washington the "father of our country".

Right winger2021-03-07T12:17:49Z

Christopher Columbus is.

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