American citizens from Mexico?

We have friends from Mexico and their two kids are age 13 and 15. They wonder if they can leave USA now and return when their kids are age 18-21 and the kids as adults can then petition their father and mother (and step brother who is not an American citizen and never lived here). What is the process for petitioning? Thanks.


error -  omitted. The family wants to leave USA and when the kids become of age, the kids will return to USA by themselves and then they can petition their parents back here legally. 


Favorite Answer

What the process of petitioning now will be different in years to come........  your illegal Mexican friends need to return home and read the US immigration website nearer the time they would like to make an so far as their American children as soon as they are of legal age to work they need to file taxes with the IRS annually regardless of where they are living/working in the world

Lisa A2021-03-07T20:26:05Z

Way to birth your own slaves.


It's not enough for the kids to be adults.  The minimum age is 21.  Also, the parents can be in the U.S. illegally; if they are, then they have to wait an additional 10 years longer than if they were not in the U.S. or were in the U.S. legally.  Even without the 10 year penalty, the process can take about 20 years, so waiting until their kids are grown just to start means that they might not live long enough to finish.