In humans, red-green color blindness is the result of a recessive mutation of an X chromosome gene.?

In humans, red-green color blindness is the result of a recessive mutation of an X chromosome gene. A color blind man and a normal woman (i.e., not a carrier) have a color blind son who is not aneuploid. When and where did the nondisjunction event(s) occur in the parents?

a. meiosis I in the father
b.  meiosis I in the father and meiosis I or II in the mother
c.  meiosis I in the mother and meiosis I or II in the father
d.   meiosis II in the father and meiosis I or II in the mother
e.  meiosis II in the mother


Favorite Answer

Every boy has his only X-chomosome from his mother. That means the  faulty X-chromosome must have come from the mother

answer E is the only one that makes sense

