don't you think it's good that we have an adult in the White House instead of a immature spoiled brat who is only worried about himself ?


Favorite Answer

yes but i'd like my stimmy 


Yep even through Trump supporters will not agree, but it is great that he got evicted from the White House, even through he refused to concede the election. Can  you feel sorry for Barron Trump, that he has an immature spoiled brat for a father, or hasn't acted like a grown up. I do have to wonder, where does it say that the current President of the United States, has to be re-elected un the year that he is up for re-election for a second and final term, provided he or she doesn't spend no more than 2 years filling in for the previous president, due to either they die, by either some other reason other than assignation, or they get get killed, they get impeached and officially get out of office, or they resign. 

18 gibbs 202021-03-12T02:23:12Z

The old fool can't even read off the teleprompter.