Why doesn’t the media ever say that the maneuver on George Floyd was in the official Minneapolis police handbook ?

The neck restraint was taught to the officers and one of the departments official restraint maneuvers. Why don’t the media ever explain this in their articles? Do they really not know or are selectively omitting this? And also that George had 3x the amount of fentanyl in his system to kill an average human from cardiac death, breathing..on top of his enlarged heart?


While your points may be technically accurate, we have asked Snopes to check them and Snopes tells us that they do not fit the narrative.

As a consequence, they cannot be reported in the MSM or be used in a court of law. Sorry.


It wasnt the hold, it was the lenght of time the hold was used.


It was wrong.   


They don't want the truth to interfere with their narrative.


Floyd died of a stroke or heart attack. We also still do not see what happened before the arrest.