Surely God set up His Kingdom on earth during Daniel 2's 10 EU nations , right ? Which fits the prophesy best?


Wrong.  He set it up in 1830 while the kingdoms that replaced Rome mostly still existed. 


Colossians 1:13 and 2 Pet. 1:11 are better comparisons.


Christ was resurrected as an invisible spirit person. (1 Peter 3:18) Then, he went to heaven and sat at God’s right hand. (Psalm 110:1) Much later, Jesus was brought before Jehovah God, “the Ancient of Days,” who granted Jesus power to rule over mankind. So Jesus returns, not as a human, but as an invisible King of God's heavenly Kingdom.


The kingdom of God is not over their, it lives in your heart ❤️ when we accept Jesus in our heart ❤️ 


No because the nation of Israel (formed by God at the foot of Mount Sinai with the giving of the covenant) was the visible representation of the Kingdom of God on Earth. Its kings were to carry out the law of God and to lead the way in keeping the nation pure, sanctified, to bear God's holy name as a witness to all the pagan nations. When God "removed the turban and the crown" as punishment for continued violation of His covenant, He promised that it would be given to One who had the right, later on.

That One was Jesus Christ. When He was vindicated as the Son of God by His resurrection, He returned to Heaven to sit at the right hand of God, crowned. The Kingdom is not of this world, as Jesus told Pilate. It is heavenly, with Christ as its King. Rev. 6:1-2 shows the glorified Christ going forth with a crown, to conquer. He has been doing that ever since His return to Heaven. But when He appears to start the Day of Resurrection and Judgment, it will be to smash all nations with a rod of iron - to destroy all that is opposed to His sovereign right to reign.

Those who think there will be a literal 1,000 year rule of Christ on Earth have fallen for a modern teaching that blinds them to what's going on in Heaven right now. They cannot grasp the Book of the Revelations because they muddle prophecies up; part are said to be literal (e.g. the 1,000 years) other parts are said to be symbolic. Stop reading prophecies with an idea of a literal thousand-year millennium rule on Earth and you will see them entirely differently. Daniel's prophecies, for example, only dealt with current events, and into the future up to the beastly Roman empire. The Revelations given to John more than 500 years later incorporate previous beastly governments as well as Rome, and way into the future.

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