How do Christians expect to handle God's fiery presence when even Daniel & John nearly died when they saw His Throne ?

Doug Catholic2021-03-14T23:17:44Z

Glorified, transformed, resurrection bodies that are compatible with both earthly and heavenly realities, are the key.


Resurrection and transfiguration, if we are worthy.  The problem is that some people fantasize that Christ is going to save us in our sins, and won't be able to be transfigured.

Robert De Angelis-Italy-United States2021-03-14T13:32:44Z

We will give you, the task of handling the fire of hell, also because, you will not burn your clothes, but you will be in eternal suffering and weeping.


What Daniel and John saw were visions. No human can see God and live.


Nobody can prove a god is real, not even you.
And it's because imaginary god creatures do not exist.
If your cult was worth an ounce of dogsh!t, you'd never
need to rely on empty cult threats to try and scare people
into your cult.  People like you completely lack a conscience.

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