What might be some of the advantages of using many different common names for forces when scientists agree that there are only four fundamental types? What might be some of the disadvantages of using common names?
What might be some of the advantages of using many different common names for forces when scientists agree that there are only four fundamental types? What might be some of the disadvantages of using common names?
How many people do you think are aware of the names, and most of all existence, of the 4 fundamental forces in the universe? Do you, haphazardly, believe that the names are well-known and diffused like the movie "Gone With The Wind"?
So why change their names! If someone is interested in knowing the cosmos, then these four names of the forces adequately respond to their purpose.
Bulldog redux
Great idea! I propose that we assign the names Mike, Suzie, Jason, and Lorna.
There most potent fundamental force is the one unleashed by black beans
Ronald 7
Like what Skippy ?
There AREN'T any "common names" for fundamental forces. Most people aren't aware of them and don't give a stuff about them or what they are called. What on earth does it matter WHAT they are called ? They are still the same thing as before, and no easier to understand. Rubbish idea.