Believe all women... Until DEMOCRATS are the ones being accused of harassment?

Why are liberals like this? Cuomo should be behind bars, mostly for ruining New York but also for the rapings.


Because all democrats are pedophiles!!! Explains why the child sniffer got elected...


Well, they sacked Al Franken and Kevin Spacey, and Charlie Rose. They are all Lefties. But at that time they wanted to Groupthink all Americans. They still thought there was a chance that they could cause Trump supporters to defect. So they started going after anyone, even their own. But it still didn't work. Metoo wasn't against sexual impropriety, it was an attempt to create an atmosphere of intolerance toward people who did unwanted sexual things. If the Democrats were successful, they would have gotten rid of Trump in that way. So those people they came after are just cannon fodder for a politicized character assassination. Democrats devoured their own.


Cuomo, unlike Trump, is not accused of rape.

Trump walked into the dressing room of teenagers and was even accused in court of raping a 13 year old.  Trump is also on tape bragging about his history of molesting women.  And the big difference is that Cuomo has been asked to resign by the party, while you voted for Trump AFTER the tape became public.


I guess you missed the part about a whole bunch of dems calling for him to step down. When was the last time republicans did that? Not even after Trump caused an attack on the Capitol would they ever support the concept of accountability.


The left only care about the sexual harassment of women when it supports their agenda.

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