Am I in a bi curious phase?

Please read all my other posts for more detail, but I just rembered in 7th grade( last year) I got butterflies everyone I saw this one guy. I don’t wanna marry a dude or have seggs with a dude, heck I don’t even like gay pirn. I want to be with a girl, and I have ocd (medically diagnosed) and once these bad thoughts come into my head I obsess over them. Do teens go through a big curious phase? Cause my hormones are killing me 


Actually gay pirn is ok only when I’m rly h0rny


Oh and another thing, I love girls and all their parts, and don’t see myself with anyone in the future besides a women


And I also have a big crush on a girl rn 


I am just curious I would say about being with a dude, I don’t think I ever would. I read somone who had the same thing who overcame and it was a phase 


I think I’m straight, but then I get these thoughts and obsess. This sometimes happens when I’m... you know, and then I can’t get that thought out of my head, so I look at porn. Has anything like this happened to anyone?


So I just did my thing to bay and straight, and now I think it’s just these thoughts I don’t rly feel gay. I think my peen and mind are totally separate. Peen like woman and mind is confused. I also have ocd, and intrusive thoughts, so I think that’s the problem. 


Also when I say “I’m gay” these thoughts stop for a little while, but Ik I’m not cause when I see a hot girl my whole body reacts, not just my head 


Yea this is definitely a phase, I just did a peleton and the instructor was hot asf(girl). I wanna end up with a girl not a guy so ig I just have to wait 


I also( sorry for dirty) just tried butt stuff, I didn’t like it at all. Theirs no way I’ll do smt with a dude


Can somone answer I’m having a bad day


I have a huge crush on a girl , everything she does I find hot, so ig I’m not gay just curious 


Nvm ig Belive it’s just a phase


Call the gay center and talk to the counselor.


I'm going to tell you the truth because I know what little boys do because when I was a little boy in the 6th and the 7th grade. All the boys would gather together they were perfectly straight guys they played baseball and football and all pretended to like girls and to have a girlfriend in the 6th and the 7th grade and tell everybody how much sex they were getting!

Well the truth is that 6 and 7th grade boys aren't getting any sex from girls! They hang out together and look at girly magazines and play PP games that's as far as I'm going.

About 80 percent of boys grow up to be perfectly heterosexual. the other 20% never outgrow their childhood