E lucevan le stelle - Who's Your Choice for Best Artist?

Whose rendition of "E lucevan le stelle" do you most prefer?  Of these artists:  Enrico Caruso, Jonas Kaufmann, Placido Domingo, Luciano Pavarotti, Jussi Björling, or fill-in-the-blank.  And what is the reason(s) for your choice?  Thank you!!


By the crickets here before any response - and the doping down if so many other questions - you can that most qualified/experienced Opera fans are no longer here. To those of us who DO know Opera - you ask a hard question. The singer functions within a production - and cultivates their own interpretation.  So there is no best - and favorite varies "qu'al piu mal vento."But I think you would appreciate my WORST pick. Decades ago, in an old Tower Records store in NYC, I saw 3 bikers at the headphone/ music sample wall - their long hair flailing while headbanging.  One pushed a Next Selection button - and looked like he had met Satan.  The other two looked at him - he offered his headphones - they ALL looked terrified, and left the store.  So I picked of those headphones - it was Michael Bolton screaming and choking his was thru Nessun Dorma.  Scary.  Stay in your own lane, Michael . . .