Why does the US not have health care for the citizens?

Legit question. 


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They have a private healthcare system. Insurance companies control their healthcare for profit system. It's a terrible healthcare system, that's why countries with a universal system don't adopt it. In the USA making money is more important than some ones health. Many people go bankrupt because they can't afford healthcare. In fact many Americans were travelling to Canada for insulin, because in Canada it costs $30 in the USA it costs $300.


Where did you get that idea?  Hundreds of millions of Americans receive health care every year.  We have medical schools and hospitals, clinics and hospices.  Where would you get the ludicrous idea that we don't have health care for our citizens?  Is it because of the growing number of criminal migrants clogging up the delivery system for LEGAL citizens?


The US has many hospitals and other types of health care available to them .


America is the only country to not have a major social democratic party.

Canada's NDP got them Medicare for All.

The British Labour Party created their NHS.


To many people would abuse it. I would say it may work if everyone paid $75:00 a month and $150.00 a month for a family. And those without a paid up policy pay cash.

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