Do you remember when the Internet wasn't ****?

You could do and say what ever you want with out getting banned or demonotized. And you could upload any song to youtube if you want with out corporations ******* you up the ***. The internet is a ******* Day care now and you can't even say as so much as a word with out offending someone and getting reported.




Overpopulation is a b****.

More people, more problems.


@PearL You're too young to remember YouTube when it was new. Back in 2006, it was amazing. 
Youtube profiles were like worlds instead of bland head banners and you could play music on your profile.

Desolate the Toothsome2021-03-16T01:20:26Z

Yes...I member!

Pearl L2021-03-16T01:18:08Z

no, i dont remember that

hello im very strange2021-03-16T01:14:22Z

i forgot that kleenex was vegan 

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