is this a mistake a dog is sleeping and a young child sits up against the dog while it’s sleeping and dog bites him?

how does a child not no a dog does not want interaction should the child have been schooled just kids


 The kid should not be allowed to hassle a sleeping dog to begin with. ever hear the expression that sleeping dogs should be  left  well alone.


The dog reacted on instinct. To the dog, it felt it was attacked. Yes, the child must be taught and trained how to approach and interact with the dog. 

Now, if you would have gotten a Labrador instead...


It is a big mistake.  Never pester a sleeping dog.  Child wasn't ever taught how to interact with a dog.  This dog should not be around children.  If this simple act can cause a bite, you can count on more bites cause the child doesn't know any better & the dog was never taught to be gentle around children.  Parents should have known better than to leave the two alone.  Neglect & abuse caused this bite.  This dog should not be allowed around children unsupervised.


Children should be taught how to properly interact with dogs, and younger children must be supervised all the time by a parent around any dog until they are old enough to be relied upon to treat the dog with respect and care 100% of the time. 

ANY dog can bite when startled from sleep, even one that has previously been extremely tolerant. Being woken abruptly can be disorienting and in the moment dogs (and people, too!) can act in ways that are out of character and not intentional. I, myself, slapped a good friend quite hard in the face once when he unexpectedly woke me one morning by kissing my forehead. It was a reflexive action and certainly not something I would have done if I was fully awake and aware of what was going on. If the child cannot understand and adhere to rules like "Do not bother the dog while he's sleeping" then they need to be kept away from the dog so that things like this don't happen. 

Parents who allow children to sit on, lie on, crawl on, roll over, pull ears, yank tails, or otherwise harass their dogs are extraordinarily negligent as parents and it's abusive towards the dog. Even if their own dog manages never to lash out and bite them, the kids are being taught that it's okay to treat a dog like that, and one day they're going to encounter a dog that's less tolerant. This is why children are the bulk of serious dog bite incidents. 


Tell kids to leave your dog alone. Tell them your dog bites. 

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